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Sensuelle Impulse Green

Retail: $75.95

Price : $69.99


The NU generation in personal stimulation. NU: Naked Sensuelle: Sensual. Discover your deepest sensual desires with NU Sensuelle Erotic toys, designed to meet your every need using state of the art technology. Each toy is special, with unique features to arouse your curiosity and enhance your sexual experience. Ultra smooth, silky touch silicone that feels amazingly sensual against the skin, designed to heighten your senses. Easy to recharge in a compact docking station, so that your NU Sensuelle toy is always ready at your fingertips. The range is fully rechargeable and comes with both a plug and an USB cord. The NU Sensuelle rechargeable range also comes with a discreet dust bag to protect your new sex toy. NU Sensuelle, for whenever you are in the mood for an amazing experience. What are you in the mood for? If you have the urge to try something new, the Sensuelle Impulse Slimline Vibe Green will exceed your expectations. It has a deceptively simple, sleek design starting with the subtle grooves and continues on to the special hook handle. Do not be fooled, as the Sensuelle Impulse has special hidden features aimed to unveil your sensuality. It has a deeply intense motor, with multi function modes, designed to create powerful sensations easily with the touch of a finger. In addition to the 7 vibration functions, the Sensuelle Impulse has a unique touch sensor mode. Upon contact with your body, the touch sensor vibrations will automatically start. But it does not end there. Each groove on the Sensuelle Impulse represents a different sensor region with varying intensities. As you glide along from the tip to the end of the Sensuelle Impulse, the vibrations will increase in intensity the further you move along the shaft. You can switch between the 7 Vibration Functions and touch Sensor Mode at the touch of a button. The special hook handle allows the Sensuelle Impulse to be enjoyed externally or internally, and either as a vaginal or anal toy.
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